Source code for straxen.plugins.records.records

from typing import Tuple
from immutabledict import immutabledict
import numba
import numpy as np

import strax
import straxen

export, __all__ = strax.exporter()

[docs]@export class PulseProcessing(strax.Plugin): """ Split raw_records into: - (tpc) records - aqmon_records - pulse_counts For TPC records, apply basic processing: 1. Flip, baseline, and integrate the waveform 2. Apply software HE veto after high-energy peaks. 3. Find hits, apply linear filter, and zero outside hits. pulse_counts holds some average information for the individual PMT channels for each chunk of raw_records. This includes e.g. number of recorded pulses, lone_pulses (pulses which do not overlap with any other pulse), or mean values of baseline and baseline rms channel. """ __version__ = "0.2.3" parallel = "process" rechunk_on_save = immutabledict(records=False, veto_regions=True, pulse_counts=True) compressor = "zstd" depends_on = "raw_records" provides: Tuple[str, ...] = ("records", "veto_regions", "pulse_counts") data_kind = {k: k for k in provides} save_when = immutabledict( records=strax.SaveWhen.TARGET, veto_regions=strax.SaveWhen.TARGET, pulse_counts=strax.SaveWhen.ALWAYS, ) hev_gain_model = straxen.URLConfig( default=None, infer_type=False, help="PMT gain model used in the software high-energy veto." ) baseline_samples = straxen.URLConfig( default=40, infer_type=False, help="Number of samples to use at the start of the pulse to determine the baseline", ) # Tail veto options tail_veto_threshold = straxen.URLConfig( default=0, infer_type=False, help="Minimum peakarea in PE to trigger tail veto.Set to None, 0 or False to disable veto.", ) tail_veto_duration = straxen.URLConfig( default=int(3e6), infer_type=False, help="Time in ns to veto after large peaks" ) tail_veto_resolution = straxen.URLConfig( default=int(1e3), infer_type=False, help="Time resolution in ns for pass-veto waveform summation", ) tail_veto_pass_fraction = straxen.URLConfig( default=0.05, infer_type=False, help="Pass veto if maximum amplitude above max * fraction" ) tail_veto_pass_extend = straxen.URLConfig( default=3, infer_type=False, help="Extend pass veto by this many samples (tail_veto_resolution!)", ) max_veto_value = straxen.URLConfig( default=None, infer_type=False, help=( "Optionally pass a HE peak that exceeds this absolute area. " "(if performing a hard veto, can keep a few statistics.)" ), ) # PMT pulse processing options pmt_pulse_filter = straxen.URLConfig( default=None, infer_type=False, help="Linear filter to apply to pulses, will be normalized." ) save_outside_hits = straxen.URLConfig( default=(3, 20), infer_type=False, help="Save (left, right) samples besides hits; cut the rest", ) n_tpc_pmts = straxen.URLConfig(type=int, help="Number of TPC PMTs") check_raw_record_overlaps = straxen.URLConfig( default=True, track=False, infer_type=False, help="Crash if any of the pulses in raw_records overlap with others in the same channel", ) allow_sloppy_chunking = straxen.URLConfig( default=False, track=False, infer_type=False, help=( "Use a default baseline for incorrectly chunked fragments. " "This is a kludge for improperly converted XENON1T data." ), ) hit_min_amplitude = straxen.URLConfig( track=True, infer_type=False, default="cmt://hit_thresholds_tpc?version=ONLINE&run_id=plugin.run_id", help=( "Minimum hit amplitude in ADC counts above baseline. " "Specify as a tuple of length n_tpc_pmts, or a number," 'or a string like "pmt_commissioning_initial" which means calling' "" "or a tuple like (correction=str, version=str, nT=boolean)," "which means we are using cmt." ), )
[docs] def infer_dtype(self): # Get record_length from the plugin making raw_records self.record_length = strax.record_length_from_dtype( self.deps["raw_records"].dtype_for("raw_records") ) dtype = dict() for p in self.provides: if "records" in p: dtype[p] = strax.record_dtype(self.record_length) dtype["veto_regions"] = strax.hit_dtype dtype["pulse_counts"] = pulse_count_dtype(self.n_tpc_pmts) return dtype
[docs] def setup(self): self.hev_enabled = self.hev_gain_model is not None and self.tail_veto_threshold if self.hev_enabled: self.to_pe = self.hev_gain_model self.hit_thresholds = self.hit_min_amplitude
[docs] def compute(self, raw_records, start, end): if self.check_raw_record_overlaps: check_overlaps(raw_records, n_channels=3000) # Throw away any non-TPC records; this should only happen for XENON1T # converted data raw_records = raw_records[raw_records["channel"] < self.n_tpc_pmts] # Convert everything to the records data type -- adds extra fields. r = strax.raw_to_records(raw_records) del raw_records # Do not trust in DAQ + strax.baseline to leave the # out-of-bounds samples to zero. strax.zero_out_of_bounds(r) strax.baseline( r, baseline_samples=self.baseline_samples, allow_sloppy_chunking=self.allow_sloppy_chunking, flip=True, ) strax.integrate(r) pulse_counts = count_pulses(r, self.n_tpc_pmts) pulse_counts["time"] = start pulse_counts["endtime"] = end if len(r) and self.hev_enabled: r, r_vetoed, veto_regions = software_he_veto( r, self.to_pe, end, area_threshold=self.tail_veto_threshold, veto_length=self.tail_veto_duration, veto_res=self.tail_veto_resolution, pass_veto_extend=self.tail_veto_pass_extend, pass_veto_fraction=self.tail_veto_pass_fraction, max_veto_value=self.max_veto_value, ) # In the future, we'll probably want to sum the waveforms # inside the vetoed regions, so we can still save the "peaks". del r_vetoed else: veto_regions = np.zeros(0, dtype=strax.hit_dtype) if len(r): # Find hits # -- before filtering,since this messes with the with the S/N hits = strax.find_hits(r, min_amplitude=self.hit_thresholds) if self.pmt_pulse_filter: # Filter to concentrate the PMT pulses strax.filter_records(r, np.array(self.pmt_pulse_filter)) le, re = self.save_outside_hits r = strax.cut_outside_hits(r, hits, left_extension=le, right_extension=re) # Probably overkill, but just to be sure... strax.zero_out_of_bounds(r) return dict(records=r, pulse_counts=pulse_counts, veto_regions=veto_regions)
## # Software HE Veto ##
[docs]@export def software_he_veto( records, to_pe, chunk_end, area_threshold=int(1e5), veto_length=int(3e6), veto_res=int(1e3), pass_veto_fraction=0.01, pass_veto_extend=3, max_veto_value=None, ): """Veto veto_length (time in ns) after peaks larger than area_threshold (in PE). Further large peaks inside the veto regions are still passed: We sum the waveform inside the veto region (with time resolution veto_res in ns) and pass regions within pass_veto_extend samples of samples with amplitude above pass_veto_fraction times the maximum. :return: (preserved records, vetoed records, veto intervals). :param records: PMT records :param to_pe: ADC to PE conversion factors for the channels in records. :param chunk_end: Endtime of chunk to set as maximum ceiling for the veto period :param area_threshold: Minimum peak area to trigger the veto. Note we use a much rougher clustering than in later processing. :param veto_length: Time in ns to veto after the peak :param veto_res: Resolution of the sum waveform inside the veto region. Do not make too large without increasing integer type in some strax dtypes... :param pass_veto_fraction: fraction of maximum sum waveform amplitude to trigger veto passing of further peaks :param pass_veto_extend: samples to extend (left and right) the pass veto regions. :param max_veto_value: if not None, pass peaks that exceed this area no matter what. """ veto_res = int(veto_res) if veto_res > np.iinfo(np.int16).max: raise ValueError("Veto resolution does not fit 16-bit int") veto_length = np.ceil(veto_length / veto_res).astype(np.int64) * veto_res veto_n = int(veto_length / veto_res) + 1 # 1. Find large peaks in the data. # This will actually return big agglomerations of peaks and their tails peaks = strax.find_peaks( records, to_pe, gap_threshold=1, left_extension=0, right_extension=0, min_channels=100, min_area=area_threshold, result_dtype=strax.peak_dtype(n_channels=len(to_pe), n_sum_wv_samples=veto_n), ) # 2a. Set 'candidate regions' at these peaks. These should: # - Have a fixed maximum length (else we can't use the strax hitfinder on them) # - Never extend beyond the current chunk # - Do not overlap veto_start = peaks["time"] veto_end = np.clip(peaks["time"] + veto_length, None, chunk_end) veto_end[:-1] = np.clip(veto_end[:-1], None, veto_start[1:]) # 2b. Convert these into strax record-like objects # Note the waveform is float32 though (it's a summed waveform) regions = np.zeros( len(veto_start), dtype=strax.interval_dtype + [ ("data", (np.float32, veto_n)), ("baseline", np.float32), ("baseline_rms", np.float32), ("reduction_level", np.int64), ("record_i", np.int64), ("pulse_length", np.int64), ], ) regions["time"] = veto_start regions["length"] = (veto_end - veto_start) // veto_n regions["pulse_length"] = veto_n regions["dt"] = veto_res if not len(regions): # No veto anywhere in this data return records, records[:0], np.zeros(0, strax.hit_dtype) # 3. Find pass_veto regios with big peaks inside the veto regions. # For this we compute a rough sum waveform (at low resolution, # without looping over the pulse data) rough_sum(regions, records, to_pe, veto_n, veto_res) if max_veto_value is not None: pass_veto = strax.find_hits(regions, min_amplitude=max_veto_value) else: regions["data"] /= np.max(regions["data"], axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] pass_veto = strax.find_hits(regions, min_amplitude=pass_veto_fraction) # 4. Extend these by a few samples and inverse to find veto regions regions["data"] = 1 regions = strax.cut_outside_hits( regions, pass_veto, left_extension=pass_veto_extend, right_extension=pass_veto_extend ) regions["data"] = 1 - regions["data"] veto = strax.find_hits(regions, min_amplitude=1) # Do not remove very tiny regions veto = veto[veto["length"] > 2 * pass_veto_extend] # 5. Apply the veto and return results veto_mask = strax.fully_contained_in(records, veto) == -1 return tuple(list(mask_and_not(records, veto_mask)) + [veto])
@numba.njit(cache=True, nogil=True) def rough_sum(regions, records, to_pe, n, dt): """Compute ultra-rough sum waveforms for regions, assuming: - every record is a single peak at its first sample - all regions have the same length and dt and probably not carying too much about boundaries """ if not len(regions) or not len(records): return # dt and n are passed explicitly to avoid overflows/wraparounds # related to the small dt integer type peak_i = 0 r_i = 0 while (peak_i <= len(regions) - 1) and (r_i <= len(records) - 1): p = regions[peak_i] l = p["time"] # noqa r = l + n * dt while True: if r_i > len(records) - 1: # Scan ahead until records contribute break t = records[r_i]["time"] if t >= r: break if t >= l: index = int((t - l) // dt) regions[peak_i]["data"][index] += ( records[r_i]["area"] * to_pe[records[r_i]["channel"]] ) r_i += 1 peak_i += 1 ## # Pulse counting ##
[docs]@export def pulse_count_dtype(n_channels): # NB: don't use the dt/length interval dtype, integer types are too small # to contain these huge chunk-wide intervals return [ (("Start time of the chunk", "time"), np.int64), (("End time of the chunk", "endtime"), np.int64), (("Number of pulses", "pulse_count"), (np.int64, n_channels)), (("Number of lone pulses", "lone_pulse_count"), (np.int64, n_channels)), (("Integral of all pulses in ADC_count x samples", "pulse_area"), (np.int64, n_channels)), ( ("Integral of lone pulses in ADC_count x samples", "lone_pulse_area"), (np.int64, n_channels), ), (("Average baseline", "baseline_mean"), (np.int16, n_channels)), (("Average baseline rms", "baseline_rms_mean"), (np.float32, n_channels)), ]
def count_pulses(records, n_channels): """Return array with one element, with pulse count info from records.""" if len(records): result = np.zeros(1, dtype=pulse_count_dtype(n_channels)) _count_pulses(records, n_channels, result) return result return np.zeros(0, dtype=pulse_count_dtype(n_channels)) NO_PULSE_COUNTS = -9999 # Special value required by average_baseline in case counts = 0 @numba.njit(cache=True, nogil=True) def _count_pulses(records, n_channels, result): count = np.zeros(n_channels, dtype=np.int64) lone_count = np.zeros(n_channels, dtype=np.int64) area = np.zeros(n_channels, dtype=np.int64) lone_area = np.zeros(n_channels, dtype=np.int64) last_end_seen = 0 next_start = 0 # Array of booleans to track whether we are currently in a lone pulse # in each channel in_lone_pulse = np.zeros(n_channels, dtype=np.bool_) baseline_buffer = np.zeros(n_channels, dtype=np.float64) baseline_rms_buffer = np.zeros(n_channels, dtype=np.float64) for r_i, r in enumerate(records): if r_i != len(records) - 1: next_start = records[r_i + 1]["time"] ch = r["channel"] if ch >= n_channels: print("Channel:", ch) raise RuntimeError("Out of bounds channel in get_counts!") area[ch] += r["area"] # <-- Summing total area in channel if r["record_i"] == 0: count[ch] += 1 baseline_buffer[ch] += r["baseline"] baseline_rms_buffer[ch] += r["baseline_rms"] if r["time"] > last_end_seen and r["time"] + r["pulse_length"] * r["dt"] < next_start: # This is a lone pulse lone_count[ch] += 1 in_lone_pulse[ch] = True lone_area[ch] += r["area"] else: in_lone_pulse[ch] = False last_end_seen = max(last_end_seen, r["time"] + r["pulse_length"] * r["dt"]) elif in_lone_pulse[ch]: # This is a subsequent fragment of a lone pulse lone_area[ch] += r["area"] res = result[0] res["pulse_count"][:] = count[:] res["lone_pulse_count"][:] = lone_count[:] res["pulse_area"][:] = area[:] res["lone_pulse_area"][:] = lone_area[:] means = baseline_buffer / count means[np.isnan(means)] = NO_PULSE_COUNTS res["baseline_mean"][:] = means[:] res["baseline_rms_mean"][:] = (baseline_rms_buffer / count)[:] ## # Misc ##
[docs]@export @numba.njit(cache=True, nogil=True) def mask_and_not(x, mask): return x[mask], x[~mask]
[docs]@export @numba.njit(cache=True, nogil=True) def channel_split(rr, first_other_ch): """Return.""" return mask_and_not(rr, rr["channel"] < first_other_ch)
[docs]@export def check_overlaps(records, n_channels): """Raise a ValueError if any of the pulses in records overlap. Assumes records is already sorted by time. """ last_end = np.zeros(n_channels, dtype=np.int64) channel, time = _check_overlaps(records, last_end) if channel != -9999: raise ValueError( f"Bad data! In channel {channel}, a pulse starts at {time}, " "BEFORE the previous pulse in that same channel ended " f"(at {last_end[channel]})" )
@numba.njit(cache=True, nogil=True) def _check_overlaps(records, last_end): for r in records: if r["time"] < last_end[r["channel"]]: return r["channel"], r["time"] last_end[r["channel"]] = strax.endtime(r) return -9999, -9999