Opening data to do analyses


updated 25-02-2022

To this end we will play with one of our most recent 1T datasets (run), load it, make some selections and plots. We will only be looking at two parameters but the data is rich and can be explored in many more ways.

Goal & setup

We want to use straxen to open some data, to this end we show how to make a basic selection and plot some waveforms.

import socket
import strax
import straxen
import numpy as np
import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
import datetime

cutax is not installed
module version path git
0 python 3.10.0 /home/angevaare/miniconda3/envs/dev_strax/bin/... None
1 strax 1.1.7 /home/angevaare/software/dev_strax/strax/strax branch:master | db14f80
2 straxen 1.2.8 /home/angevaare/software/dev_strax/straxen/str... branch:master | 024602e

Setup straxen

We just have to use the xenonnt_online context for nT or the one below for 1T

st = straxen.contexts.xenonnt_online()


Using the context to check what is available.

This loads the RunsDB, looks at the runs that are considered in the context and checks if they are available.

NB: I’m going to slightly alter the config here to check for multiple datatypes. This takes considereably longer so you can sit back for a while.

[ ]:

# This config change will take time
st.set_context_config({"check_available": ("raw_records", "records", "peaklets", "peak_basics")})

This means we can make selections on what kind of runs are available. E.g. I want good runs where we have peaklets available: The second time we run this, it will be much faster.

[ ]:
df = st.select_runs(available=("raw_records", "peak_basics"), exclude_tags=("bad", "messy"))

For nT one can also select a run from the website:

we’re just going to take the shortest run available

df.iloc[np.argmin(df["livetime"])][["name", "start", "livetime"]]
name                            019942
start       2021-05-21 08:23:38.908000
livetime        0 days 00:07:47.569000
Name: 19680, dtype: object
# The name of the run
run_id = "021932"

Alternative method.

If you know what to look for you can use this command to double check:

st.is_stored(run_id, "peak_basics")

Lets load the peaks of this run and have a look. We are going to look at peak_basics (loading e.g. peaks) is much more data, making everything slow. You can check the size before loading using the command below:

for p in ("raw_records", "records", "peaklets", "peak_basics", "pulse_counts", "event_basics"):
    if st.is_stored(run_id, p):
        print(f"Target: {p} \t is {st.size_mb(run_id, p):.0f} MB")
Target: raw_records      is 333275 MB
Target: peaklets         is 85069 MB
Target: peak_basics      is 1087 MB

Loading the data

NB: Don’t crash your notebook!

The prints above are why you only want to load small portions of data. Especially for ‘low-level’ data. If you try to load all of records or even peaklets, your notebook crashes.

We are going to load only 100 seconds of data as that will be enough to see some populations. Later we can load more if we want.

My favorite reduction method id just loading one or a few seconds, like below:

peaks = st.get_array(
    seconds_range=(0, 10),  # Only first 10 seconds
# Let's see how much we have loaded:
print(f"We loaded {peaks.nbytes/1e6:.1f} MB of peaks-data")
We loaded 7.0 MB of peaks-data
# You can also use get_df that will give you a pandas.DataFrame. For example:
    seconds_range=(0, 0.01),  # Only first 10 ms because I'm going to use the array from above
time endtime center_time area n_channels max_pmt max_pmt_area n_saturated_channels range_50p_area range_90p_area area_fraction_top length dt rise_time tight_coincidence tight_coincidence_channel type
0 1623144887001319160 1623144887001319840 1623144887001319412 2.608931 2 271 1.452120 0 422.341400 560.615479 0.443404 68 10 137.940628 1 0 0
1 1623144887001344050 1623144887001345250 1623144887001344516 35.741817 16 119 9.631803 0 278.976562 685.755554 0.815509 120 10 276.803223 6 0 2
2 1623144887001440090 1623144887001440590 1623144887001440313 2.029903 2 369 1.308512 0 236.908005 440.395020 0.000000 50 10 233.996887 1 0 0
3 1623144887001592260 1623144887001593500 1623144887001592788 26.209696 19 152 4.566041 0 283.604370 726.881470 0.790140 124 10 307.613495 3 0 2
4 1623144887001621500 1623144887001622460 1623144887001621945 2.298434 2 332 1.203942 0 702.893799 884.098877 0.476190 96 10 695.808716 1 0 0
5 1623144887001672590 1623144887001673270 1623144887001672850 2.681920 2 314 1.480481 0 434.371857 598.363342 0.447977 68 10 66.415497 1 0 0
6 1623144887001717510 1623144887001717810 1623144887001717601 1.903725 2 16 1.474823 0 34.871223 196.397079 0.774704 30 10 49.543037 2 0 1
7 1623144887001733790 1623144887001734220 1623144887001733923 1.387927 2 357 0.910686 0 187.775513 321.371155 0.000000 43 10 57.672348 1 0 0
8 1623144887004867870 1623144887004868510 1623144887004868140 2.541787 2 231 1.311875 0 390.297974 521.367737 0.516123 64 10 387.107025 1 0 0
9 1623144887004916780 1623144887004917610 1623144887004917085 2.374870 2 465 1.452399 0 554.643555 670.871643 0.388430 83 10 138.770844 1 0 0

Make plots of this one run

These are my helper functions: - I want to make an area vs width plot to check which population to select - I want to be able to check some waveforms

# My function to make a 2D histogram
def plots_area_vs_width(data, log=None, **kwargs):
    """basic wrapper to plot area vs width"""
    # Things to put on the axes
    x, y = data["area"], data["range_50p_area"]

    # Make a log-plot manually
    if log:
        x, y = np.log10(x), np.log10(y)
    plt.hist2d(x, y, norm=LogNorm(), **kwargs)
    plt.ylabel(f"Width [ns]")
    plt.xlabel(f"Area [PE]")

    # Change the ticks slightly for nicer formats
    if log:
        xt = np.arange(int(plt.xticks()[0].min()), int(plt.xticks()[0].max()))
        plt.xticks(xt, 10**xt)
        yt = np.arange(int(plt.yticks()[0].min()), int(plt.yticks()[0].max()))
        plt.yticks(yt, 10**yt)
# My function to plot some waveforms
def plot_some_peaks(peaks, max_plots=3, randomize=False):
    """Plot the first peaks in the peaks collection (max number of 5 by default)"""
    if randomize:
        # This randomly takes max_plots in the range (0, len(peaks)). Plot these indices
        indices = np.random.randint(0, len(peaks), max_plots)
        # Just take the first max_plots peaks in the data
        indices = range(max_plots)
    for i in indices:
        p = peaks[i]
        start, stop = p["time"], p["endtime"]
        st.plot_peaks(run_id, time_range=(start, stop))
            f'S{p["type"]} of ~{int(p["area"])} PE (width {int(p["range_50p_area"])} ns)\n'
            f'detected by {p["n_channels"]} PMTs at:\n'
        )  # should in s not ns hence /1e9

Plotting waveforms

This may help you if you want to look at specific waveforms. Below I’m just going to show that it works. As you can see, there are a lot of junk waveforms! We are going to do some cuts to select ‘nice’ ones later.

plot_some_peaks(peaks[peaks["area"] > 25], max_plots=2)

Display populations

Area vs width plot

You see these plots a lot on Slac. We’ll make a 2D histogram of two propperties of the peaks. Herefrom we try to isolatea population to look at the waveforms.

# All peaks
plots_area_vs_width(peaks, log=True, bins=100, range=[[0, 4], [1, 5]])
plt.title("Area vs width in log-log space of all populations\n10 s of data")
/tmp/jobs/17887550/ipykernel_46864/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log10
  x, y = np.log10(x), np.log10(y)
/tmp/jobs/17887550/ipykernel_46864/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10
  x, y = np.log10(x), np.log10(y)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Area vs width in log-log space of all populations\n10 s of data')

I want to zoom in on the population on the lower right. Therefore I reduce the range:

    peaks, log=True, bins=100, range=[[2, 4], [1.5, 2.5]]
)  # zoomed wrt to previous plot!
plt.title("Area vs width in log-log space zoomed on large S1s\n10 s of data")
/tmp/jobs/17887550/ipykernel_46864/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log10
  x, y = np.log10(x), np.log10(y)
/tmp/jobs/17887550/ipykernel_46864/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10
  x, y = np.log10(x), np.log10(y)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Area vs width in log-log space zoomed on large S1s\n10 s of data')

Let’s select this blob of peaks.

For this I switch to lin-lin space rather than log-log as I’m too lazy to convert the selection I’m going to make from lin to log and vise versa.

# Let's look in linear-space
plots_area_vs_width(peaks, log=False, bins=100, range=[[10**2, 10**4], [10**1.5, 10**2.5]])
plt.title("Area vs width in lin-lin space zoomed on large S1s\n10 s of data")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Area vs width in lin-lin space zoomed on large S1s\n10 s of data')

Data selection

Let’s make a very rudimentary selection in this data

Below I’m going to draw a box around the blob as above and load some peaks therefrom. I suspect this are nice fat S1s.

# Parameters used for plot below
low_area = 2000
high_area = 8000
low_width = 80
high_width = 120
# select data in box
plots_area_vs_width(peaks, log=False, bins=100, range=[[10**2, 10**4], [10**1.5, 10**2.5]])

ax = plt.gca()
x = np.arange(low_area, high_area, 2)
y = np.full(len(x), low_width)
y2 = np.full(len(x), high_width)
ax.fill_between(x, y, y2, alpha=0.5, color="red", label="selection")
plt.title("Area vs width in lin-lin space zoomed on large S1s\nwith selection\n10 s of data")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Area vs width in lin-lin space zoomed on large S1s\nwith selection\n10 s of data')

Load more data from the selection.

For this I will use a ‘selection string’ this will reduce memory usage, see straxferno 0 and 1:

I’m also going to load all the of data!

# Clear peaks from our namespace, this reduces our RAM usage (what usually crashes a notebook).
del peaks

# use selection string to load a lot of data
selected_peaks = st.get_array(
        f"({high_area}>area) & (area>{low_area}) "
        f"& ({high_width}>range_50p_area) & (range_50p_area>{low_width})"
CPU times: user 1.87 s, sys: 1.46 s, total: 3.32 s
Wall time: 9.5 s

Alternative method yielding the same (if all data were loaded)

The cell above does return the same results as this selection (only now we are taking the entire run instead of 10s):

mask = ((high_area>peaks['area'] ) & (peaks['area']>{low_area}) &
        high_width > peaks['range_50p_area'] & peaks['range_50p_area'] > low_area )

# Let's double check that we have the data we want in the area vs width space
plots_area_vs_width(selected_peaks, log=True, bins=100, range=[[2, 4], [1, 3]])
plt.title("Area vs width in log-log space with selected S1s\nall data")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Area vs width in log-log space with selected S1s\nall data')
# select data in box
plots_area_vs_width(selected_peaks, log=False, bins=100, range=[[10**2, 10**4], [10**1, 10**2.5]])
plt.title("Area vs width in lin-lin space with selected S1s\nall data")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Area vs width in lin-lin space with selected S1s\nall data')

Plotting waveforms

Let’s check that these are indeed big S1s:


Nice, we made a simple cut and checked that some waveforms are of the kind we expected. Of course we can do more elaborate cuts and check the other dimensions of the parameter space. Very interesting times to be an analyst!