straxen.plugins.records package


straxen.plugins.records.records module

class straxen.plugins.records.records.PulseProcessing[source]

Bases: Plugin

Split raw_records into:
  • (tpc) records

  • aqmon_records

  • pulse_counts

For TPC records, apply basic processing:
  1. Flip, baseline, and integrate the waveform

  2. Apply software HE veto after high-energy peaks.

  3. Find hits, apply linear filter, and zero outside hits.

pulse_counts holds some average information for the individual PMT channels for each chunk of raw_records. This includes e.g. number of recorded pulses, lone_pulses (pulses which do not overlap with any other pulse), or mean values of baseline and baseline rms channel.


Dispatch on URL protocol.

unrecognized protocol returns identity inspired by dasks Dispatch and fsspec fs protocols.


Dispatch on URL protocol.

unrecognized protocol returns identity inspired by dasks Dispatch and fsspec fs protocols.


Dispatch on URL protocol.

unrecognized protocol returns identity inspired by dasks Dispatch and fsspec fs protocols.

compressor = 'zstd'
compute(raw_records, start, end)[source]
data_kind: Union[str, immutabledict, dict] = {'pulse_counts': 'pulse_counts', 'records': 'records', 'veto_regions': 'veto_regions'}
depends_on: tuple = 'raw_records'

Dispatch on URL protocol.

unrecognized protocol returns identity inspired by dasks Dispatch and fsspec fs protocols.


Dispatch on URL protocol.

unrecognized protocol returns identity inspired by dasks Dispatch and fsspec fs protocols.


Return dtype of computed data; used only if no dtype attribute defined.


Dispatch on URL protocol.

unrecognized protocol returns identity inspired by dasks Dispatch and fsspec fs protocols.


Dispatch on URL protocol.

unrecognized protocol returns identity inspired by dasks Dispatch and fsspec fs protocols.

parallel: Union[str, bool] = 'process'

Dispatch on URL protocol.

unrecognized protocol returns identity inspired by dasks Dispatch and fsspec fs protocols.

provides: Tuple[str, ...] = ('records', 'veto_regions', 'pulse_counts')
rechunk_on_save = immutabledict({'records': False, 'veto_regions': True, 'pulse_counts': True})

Dispatch on URL protocol.

unrecognized protocol returns identity inspired by dasks Dispatch and fsspec fs protocols.

save_when = immutabledict({'records': <SaveWhen.TARGET: 2>, 'veto_regions': <SaveWhen.TARGET: 2>, 'pulse_counts': <SaveWhen.ALWAYS: 3>})

Hook if plugin wants to do something on initialization.


Dispatch on URL protocol.

unrecognized protocol returns identity inspired by dasks Dispatch and fsspec fs protocols.


Dispatch on URL protocol.

unrecognized protocol returns identity inspired by dasks Dispatch and fsspec fs protocols.


Dispatch on URL protocol.

unrecognized protocol returns identity inspired by dasks Dispatch and fsspec fs protocols.


Dispatch on URL protocol.

unrecognized protocol returns identity inspired by dasks Dispatch and fsspec fs protocols.


Dispatch on URL protocol.

unrecognized protocol returns identity inspired by dasks Dispatch and fsspec fs protocols.

takes_config = immutabledict({'hev_gain_model': <straxen.url_config.URLConfig object>, 'baseline_samples': <straxen.url_config.URLConfig object>, 'tail_veto_threshold': <straxen.url_config.URLConfig object>, 'tail_veto_duration': <straxen.url_config.URLConfig object>, 'tail_veto_resolution': <straxen.url_config.URLConfig object>, 'tail_veto_pass_fraction': <straxen.url_config.URLConfig object>, 'tail_veto_pass_extend': <straxen.url_config.URLConfig object>, 'max_veto_value': <straxen.url_config.URLConfig object>, 'pmt_pulse_filter': <straxen.url_config.URLConfig object>, 'save_outside_hits': <straxen.url_config.URLConfig object>, 'n_tpc_pmts': <straxen.url_config.URLConfig object>, 'check_raw_record_overlaps': <straxen.url_config.URLConfig object>, 'allow_sloppy_chunking': <straxen.url_config.URLConfig object>, 'hit_min_amplitude': <straxen.url_config.URLConfig object>})
straxen.plugins.records.records.channel_split(rr, first_other_ch)[source]


straxen.plugins.records.records.check_overlaps(records, n_channels)[source]

Raise a ValueError if any of the pulses in records overlap.

Assumes records is already sorted by time.

straxen.plugins.records.records.mask_and_not(x, mask)[source]
straxen.plugins.records.records.software_he_veto(records, to_pe, chunk_end, area_threshold=100000, veto_length=3000000, veto_res=1000, pass_veto_fraction=0.01, pass_veto_extend=3, max_veto_value=None)[source]

Veto veto_length (time in ns) after peaks larger than area_threshold (in PE).

Further large peaks inside the veto regions are still passed: We sum the waveform inside the veto region (with time resolution veto_res in ns) and pass regions within pass_veto_extend samples of samples with amplitude above pass_veto_fraction times the maximum.


(preserved records, vetoed records, veto intervals).

  • records – PMT records

  • to_pe – ADC to PE conversion factors for the channels in records.

  • chunk_end – Endtime of chunk to set as maximum ceiling for the veto period

  • area_threshold – Minimum peak area to trigger the veto.

Note we use a much rougher clustering than in later processing. :param veto_length: Time in ns to veto after the peak :param veto_res: Resolution of the sum waveform inside the veto region. Do not make too large without increasing integer type in some strax dtypes… :param pass_veto_fraction: fraction of maximum sum waveform amplitude to trigger veto passing of further peaks :param pass_veto_extend: samples to extend (left and right) the pass veto regions. :param max_veto_value: if not None, pass peaks that exceed this area no matter what.

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