Straxen nT datastructure for muon veto

This page is an autogenerated reference for all the plugins in straxen’s xenonnt_online context.

The figures presented are dependency diagrams, meaning that an arrow stemming from a node points to a node that the stem depends on (i.e. “A depends on B” is equivalent to “A —> B”).

Colors indicate data kinds. To load tables with different data kinds, you currently need more than one get_df (or get_array) commands.



Provided by plugin: GpsSync_mv

Data kind: events_mv

Computes absolute GPS time for mveto data.

Columns provided

Field name Data type Comment
time int64 Start time since unix epoch [ns]
endtime int64 Exclusive end time since unix epoch [ns]
time_sync_gps int64 GPS absolute time [ns]


%3 events_gps_mv events_gps_mv raw_records_aux_mv raw_records_aux_mv events_gps_mv->raw_records_aux_mv events_mv events_mv events_gps_mv->events_mv hitlets_mv hitlets_mv events_mv->hitlets_mv records_mv records_mv hitlets_mv->records_mv raw_records_mv raw_records_mv records_mv->raw_records_mv

Configuration options

These are all options that affect this data type. This also includes options taken by dependencies of this datatype, because changing any of those options affect this data indirectly.

option default current help
adc_threshold_nim_signal 500 <OMITTED> Threshold in [adc] to search for the NIM signal
gps_truth_vicinity 4.5 <OMITTED> +/- time interval in [s] in which the GPS truth should be searched for each GPS pulse.
tpc_internal_delay {'0': 4917, '020380': 10137, '043040': 0} <OMITTED> Internal delay between aqmon and regular TPC channels ins [ns]



Provided by plugin: OnlineMonitorMV

Data kind: online_monitor_mv

Plugin to write data of muVeto detector to the online-monitor. Data that is written by this

plugin should be small (~MB/chunk) to not overload the runs-database.

This plugin takes ‘hitlets_mv’ and ‘events_mv’. Although they are not strictly related, they are aggregated into a single data_type in order to minimize the number of documents in the online monitor.

Produces ‘online_monitor_mv’ with info on the hitlets_mv and events_mv

Columns provided

Field name Data type Comment
time int64 Start time since unix epoch [ns]
endtime int64 Exclusive end time since unix epoch [ns]
hitlets_mv_per_channel ('<i8', (84,)) hitlets_mv per channel
events_mv_area_per_chunk ('<i8', (131,)) events_mv_area per chunk
events_mv_per_chunk int64 events_mv per chunk
events_mv_4coinc_per_chunk int64 events_mv 4-coincidence per chunk
events_mv_5coinc_per_chunk int64 events_mv 5-coincidence per chunk
events_mv_8coinc_per_chunk int64 events_mv 8-coincidence per chunk
events_mv_10coinc_per_chunk int64 events_mv 10-coincidence per chunk


%3 online_monitor_mv online_monitor_mv hitlets_mv hitlets_mv online_monitor_mv->hitlets_mv events_mv events_mv online_monitor_mv->events_mv records_mv records_mv hitlets_mv->records_mv events_mv->hitlets_mv raw_records_mv raw_records_mv records_mv->raw_records_mv

Configuration options

These are all options that affect this data type. This also includes options taken by dependencies of this datatype, because changing any of those options affect this data indirectly.

option default current help
channel_map <OMITTED> (tpc, he, aqmon, aqmon_nv, tpc_blank, mv, aux_mv, mv_blank, nveto, nveto_blank) immutabledict mapping subdetector to (min, max) channel number.
events_area_bounds (-0.5, 130.5) <OMITTED> Boundaries area histogram of events_nv_area_per_chunk [PE]
events_area_nbins 131 <OMITTED> Number of bins of histogram of events_nv_area_per_chunk, defined value 1 PE/bin



Provided by plugin: muVETOEvents

Data kind: events_mv

Plugin which computes the boundaries of veto events.

Columns provided

Field name Data type Comment
time int64 Start time since unix epoch [ns]
endtime int64 Exclusive end time since unix epoch [ns]
event_number_mv int64 Veto event number in this dataset
area float32 Total area of all hitlets in event [pe]
n_hits int32 Total number of hitlets in events
n_contributing_pmt uint8 Total number of contributing channels
area_per_channel ('<f4', (84,)) Area in event per channel [pe]
center_time float32 Area weighted mean time of the event relative to the event start [ns]
center_time_spread float32 Weighted variance of time [ns]


%3 events_mv events_mv hitlets_mv hitlets_mv events_mv->hitlets_mv records_mv records_mv hitlets_mv->records_mv raw_records_mv raw_records_mv records_mv->raw_records_mv

Configuration options

These are all options that affect this data type. This also includes options taken by dependencies of this datatype, because changing any of those options affect this data indirectly.

option default current help
channel_map <OMITTED> (tpc, he, aqmon, aqmon_nv, tpc_blank, mv, aux_mv, mv_blank, nveto, nveto_blank) immutabledict mapping subdetector to (min, max) channel number
event_left_extension_mv 0 <OMITTED> Extends event window this many [ns] to the left.
event_left_extension_nv 0 <OMITTED> Extends event window this many [ns] to the left.
event_min_hits_mv 3 <OMITTED> Minimum number of fully confined hitlets to define an event.
event_min_hits_nv 3 <OMITTED> Minimum number of fully confined hitlets to define an event.
event_resolving_time_mv 300 <OMITTED> Resolving time for window coincidence [ns].
event_resolving_time_nv 200 <OMITTED> Resolving time for window coincidence [ns].



Provided by plugin: muVETOHitlets

Data kind: hitlets_mv

Muno-Veto Plugin: Same as the corresponding nVETO-PLugin. Plugin which computes the nveto hitlets and their parameters.

Hitlets are an extension of regular hits. They include the left and right extension. The plugin does the following:

  1. Generate hitlets which includes these sub-steps:
    • Apply left and right hit extension and concatenate

    overlapping hits. * Generate temp. hitelts and look for their waveforms in their corresponding records. * Split hitlets if they satisfy the set criteria.

  2. Compute the properties of the hitlets.


Hitlets are getting chopped if extended in not recorded regions.

Columns provided

Field name Data type Comment
time int64 Start time since unix epoch [ns]
length int32 Length of the interval in samples
dt int16 Width of one sample [ns]
channel int16 Channel/PMT number
area float32 Total hit area in pe
amplitude float32 Maximum of the PMT pulse in pe/sample
time_amplitude int16 Position of the Amplitude in ns (minus "time")
entropy float32 Hit entropy
range_50p_area float32 Width (in ns) of the central 50% area of the hitlet
range_80p_area float32 Width (in ns) of the central 80% area of the hitlet
left_area float32 Position of the 25% area decile [ns]
low_left_area float32 Position of the 10% area decile [ns]
range_hdr_50p_area float32 Width (in ns) of the highest density region covering a 50% area of the hitlet
range_hdr_80p_area float32 Width (in ns) of the highest density region covering a 80% area of the hitlet
left_hdr float32 Left edge of the 50% highest density region [ns]
low_left_hdr float32 Left edge of the 80% highest density region [ns]
fwhm float32 FWHM of the PMT pulse [ns]
left float32 Left edge of the FWHM [ns] (minus "time")
fwtm float32 FWTM of the PMT pulse [ns]
low_left float32 Left edge of the FWTM [ns] (minus "time")


%3 hitlets_mv hitlets_mv records_mv records_mv hitlets_mv->records_mv raw_records_mv raw_records_mv records_mv->raw_records_mv

Configuration options

These are all options that affect this data type. This also includes options taken by dependencies of this datatype, because changing any of those options affect this data indirectly.

option default current help
channel_map <OMITTED> (tpc, he, aqmon, aqmon_nv, tpc_blank, mv, aux_mv, mv_blank, nveto, nveto_blank) immutabledict mapping subdetector to (min, max) channel number.
entropy_square_data_mv False <OMITTED> Parameter which decides if data is first squared before normalized and compared to the template.
entropy_square_data_nv False <OMITTED> Parameter which decides if data is first squared before normalized and compared to the template.
entropy_template_mv flat <OMITTED> Template data is compared with in conditional entropy. Can be either "flat" or a template array.
entropy_template_nv flat <OMITTED> Template data is compared with in conditional entropy. Can be either "flat" or an template array.
gain_model_mv cmt://to_p...gin.run_id cmt://to_pe_model_mv?version=ONLINE&run_id=plugin.run_id PMT gain model. Specify as (model_type, model_config)
gain_model_nv cmt://to_p...gin.run_id cmt://to_pe_model_nv?version=ONLINE&run_id=plugin.run_id PMT gain model. Specify as (model_type, model_config, nT = True)
hit_min_amplitude_mv cmt://hit_...gin.run_id <OMITTED> Minimum hit amplitude in ADC counts above baseline. Specify as a tuple of length n_mveto_pmts, or a number, or a string like "pmt_commissioning_initial" which means calling, or a tuple like (correction=str, version=str, nT=boolean),which means we are using cmt.
hit_min_amplitude_nv cmt://hit_...gin.run_id <OMITTED> Minimum hit amplitude in ADC counts above baseline. Specify as a tuple of length n_nveto_pmts, or a number, or a string like "pmt_commissioning_initial" which means calling, or a tuple like (correction=str, version=str, nT=boolean), which means we are using cmt.
min_split_mv 100 <OMITTED> Minimum height difference pe/sample between local minimum and maximum, that a pulse get split.
min_split_nv 0.063 <OMITTED> Minimum height difference pe/sample between local minimum and maximum, that a pulse get split.
min_split_ratio_mv 0 <OMITTED> Min ratio between local maximum and minimum to split pulse (zero to switch this off).
min_split_ratio_nv 0.75 <OMITTED> Min ratio between local maximum and minimum to split pulse (zero to switch this off).
save_outside_hits_mv (2, 5) <OMITTED> Save (left, right) samples besides hits; cut the rest
save_outside_hits_nv (3, 15) <OMITTED> Save (left, right) samples besides hits; cut the rest



Provided by plugin: muVETOPulseProcessing

Data kind: records_mv

Muno-Veto Plugin: Same as the corresponding nVETO-PLugin.

nVETO equivalent of pulse processing. The following steps are applied:

  1. Flip, baseline and integrate waveforms.

  2. Find hits and apply ZLE

  3. Remove empty fragments.

Columns provided

Field name Data type Comment
time int64 Start time since unix epoch [ns]
length int32 Length of the interval in samples
dt int16 Width of one sample [ns]
channel int16 Channel/PMT number
pulse_length int32 Length of pulse to which the record belongs (without zero-padding)
record_i int16 Fragment number in the pulse
area int32 Integral in ADC counts x samples
reduction_level uint8 Level of data reduction applied (strax.ReductionLevel enum)
baseline float32 Baseline in ADC counts. data = int(baseline) - data_orig
baseline_rms float32 Baseline RMS in ADC counts. data = baseline - data_orig
amplitude_bit_shift int16 Multiply data by 2**(this number). Baseline is unaffected.
data ('<i2', (110,)) Waveform data in raw counts above integer part of baseline


%3 records_mv records_mv raw_records_mv raw_records_mv records_mv->raw_records_mv

Configuration options

These are all options that affect this data type. This also includes options taken by dependencies of this datatype, because changing any of those options affect this data indirectly.

option default current help
baseline_samples_mv 100 <OMITTED> Number of samples to use at the start of the pulse to determine the baseline
baseline_samples_nv cmt://base...gin.run_id <OMITTED> Number of samples to use at the start of the pulse to determine the baseline
channel_map <OMITTED> (tpc, he, aqmon, aqmon_nv, tpc_blank, mv, aux_mv, mv_blank, nveto, nveto_blank) immutabledict mapping subdetector to (min, max) channel number.
check_raw_record_overlaps True <OMITTED> Crash if any of the pulses in raw_records overlap with others in the same channel
daq_chunk_duration 5000000000 <OMITTED> Duration of regular chunks in ns
daq_compressor lz4 <OMITTED> Algorithm used for (de)compressing the live data
daq_input_dir <OMITTED> <OMITTED> Directory where readers put data
daq_overlap_chunk_duration 500000000 <OMITTED> Duration of intermediate/overlap chunks in ns
hit_min_amplitude_mv cmt://hit_...gin.run_id <OMITTED> Minimum hit amplitude in ADC counts above baseline. Specify as a tuple of length n_mveto_pmts, or a number, or a string like "pmt_commissioning_initial" which means calling, or a tuple like (correction=str, version=str, nT=boolean),which means we are using cmt.
hit_min_amplitude_nv cmt://hit_...gin.run_id <OMITTED> Minimum hit amplitude in ADC counts above baseline. Specify as a tuple of length n_nveto_pmts, or a number, or a string like "pmt_commissioning_initial" which means calling, or a tuple like (correction=str, version=str, nT=boolean), which means we are using cmt.
max_digitizer_sampling_time 10 <OMITTED> Highest interval time of the digitizer sampling times(s) used.
readout_threads <OMITTED> <OMITTED> Dictionary of the readout threads where the keys specify the reader and value the number of threads
record_length 110 <OMITTED> Number of samples per raw_record
run_start_time 0 <OMITTED> time of start run (s since unix epoch)
safe_break_in_pulses 1000 <OMITTED> Time (ns) between pulses indicating a safe break in the datastream -- gaps of this size cannot be interior to peaklets.
save_outside_hits_mv (2, 5) <OMITTED> Save (left, right) samples besides hits; cut the rest
save_outside_hits_nv (3, 15) <OMITTED> Save (left, right) samples besides hits; cut the rest



Provided by plugin: DAQReader

Data kind: raw_records_aux_mv

Read the XENONnT DAQ-live_data from redax and split it to the appropriate raw_record data-

types based on the channel-map.

Does nothing whatsoever to the live_data; not even baselining.

  • raw_records: (tpc)raw_records.

  • raw_records_he: raw_records for the high energy boards digitizing the top PMT-array at lower amplification.

  • raw_records_nv: neutron veto raw_records; only stored temporary as the software coincidence trigger not applied yet.

  • raw_records_mv: muon veto raw_records.

  • raw_records_aqmon: raw_records for the acquisition monitor (_nv for neutron veto).

Columns provided

Field name Data type Comment
time int64 Start time since unix epoch [ns]
length int32 Length of the interval in samples
dt int16 Width of one sample [ns]
channel int16 Channel/PMT number
pulse_length int32 Length of pulse to which the record belongs (without zero-padding)
record_i int16 Fragment number in the pulse
baseline int16 Baseline determined by the digitizer (if this is supported)
data ('<i2', (110,)) Waveform data in raw ADC counts


%3 raw_records_aux_mv raw_records_aux_mv

Configuration options

These are all options that affect this data type. This also includes options taken by dependencies of this datatype, because changing any of those options affect this data indirectly.

option default current help
channel_map <OMITTED> (tpc, he, aqmon, aqmon_nv, tpc_blank, mv, aux_mv, mv_blank, nveto, nveto_blank) immutabledict mapping subdetector to (min, max) channel number.
daq_chunk_duration 5000000000 <OMITTED> Duration of regular chunks in ns
daq_compressor lz4 <OMITTED> Algorithm used for (de)compressing the live data
daq_input_dir <OMITTED> <OMITTED> Directory where readers put data
daq_overlap_chunk_duration 500000000 <OMITTED> Duration of intermediate/overlap chunks in ns
max_digitizer_sampling_time 10 <OMITTED> Highest interval time of the digitizer sampling times(s) used.
readout_threads <OMITTED> <OMITTED> Dictionary of the readout threads where the keys specify the reader and value the number of threads
record_length 110 <OMITTED> Number of samples per raw_record
run_start_time 0 <OMITTED> time of start run (s since unix epoch)
safe_break_in_pulses 1000 <OMITTED> Time (ns) between pulses indicating a safe break in the datastream -- gaps of this size cannot be interior to peaklets.



Provided by plugin: DAQReader

Data kind: raw_records_mv

Read the XENONnT DAQ-live_data from redax and split it to the appropriate raw_record data-

types based on the channel-map.

Does nothing whatsoever to the live_data; not even baselining.

  • raw_records: (tpc)raw_records.

  • raw_records_he: raw_records for the high energy boards digitizing the top PMT-array at lower amplification.

  • raw_records_nv: neutron veto raw_records; only stored temporary as the software coincidence trigger not applied yet.

  • raw_records_mv: muon veto raw_records.

  • raw_records_aqmon: raw_records for the acquisition monitor (_nv for neutron veto).

Columns provided

Field name Data type Comment
time int64 Start time since unix epoch [ns]
length int32 Length of the interval in samples
dt int16 Width of one sample [ns]
channel int16 Channel/PMT number
pulse_length int32 Length of pulse to which the record belongs (without zero-padding)
record_i int16 Fragment number in the pulse
baseline int16 Baseline determined by the digitizer (if this is supported)
data ('<i2', (110,)) Waveform data in raw ADC counts


%3 raw_records_mv raw_records_mv

Configuration options

These are all options that affect this data type. This also includes options taken by dependencies of this datatype, because changing any of those options affect this data indirectly.

option default current help
channel_map <OMITTED> (tpc, he, aqmon, aqmon_nv, tpc_blank, mv, aux_mv, mv_blank, nveto, nveto_blank) immutabledict mapping subdetector to (min, max) channel number.
daq_chunk_duration 5000000000 <OMITTED> Duration of regular chunks in ns
daq_compressor lz4 <OMITTED> Algorithm used for (de)compressing the live data
daq_input_dir <OMITTED> <OMITTED> Directory where readers put data
daq_overlap_chunk_duration 500000000 <OMITTED> Duration of intermediate/overlap chunks in ns
max_digitizer_sampling_time 10 <OMITTED> Highest interval time of the digitizer sampling times(s) used.
readout_threads <OMITTED> <OMITTED> Dictionary of the readout threads where the keys specify the reader and value the number of threads
record_length 110 <OMITTED> Number of samples per raw_record
run_start_time 0 <OMITTED> time of start run (s since unix epoch)
safe_break_in_pulses 1000 <OMITTED> Time (ns) between pulses indicating a safe break in the datastream -- gaps of this size cannot be interior to peaklets.