straxen.plugins.veto_intervals package


straxen.plugins.veto_intervals.veto_intervals module

class straxen.plugins.veto_intervals.veto_intervals.VetoIntervals[source]

Bases: OverlapWindowPlugin

Find pairs of veto start and veto stop signals and the veto.

duration between them:
  • busy_* <= V1495 busy veto for tpc channels

  • busy_he_* <= V1495 busy veto for high energy tpc channels

  • hev_* <= DDC10 hardware high energy veto

  • straxen_deadtime <= special case of deadtime introduced by the DAQReader-plugin

compute(aqmon_hits, start, end)[source]
config: Dict
data_kind: str | immutabledict | dict = 'veto_intervals'
depends_on: tuple = 'aqmon_hits'
deps: Dict
dtype: tuple | dtype | immutabledict | dict
static fake_hit(start, dt=1, length=1)[source]

Return the required window size in nanoseconds.

handle_starts_and_stops_outside_of_run(veto_hits_start: ndarray, veto_hits_stop: ndarray, chunk_start: int, chunk_end: int, veto_name: str) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray][source]

We might be missing one start or one stop at the end of the run, set it to the chunk endtime if this is the case.


Return dtype of computed data; used only if no dtype attribute defined.

input_buffer: Dict[str, Chunk]

Dispatch on URL protocol.

unrecognized protocol returns identity inspired by dasks Dispatch and fsspec fs protocols.

provides: tuple = ('veto_intervals',)
run_i: int
run_id: str

Hook if plugin wants to do something on initialization.

takes_config = immutabledict({'max_veto_window': <straxen.url_config.URLConfig object>})

Module contents