straxen.plugins.hitlets_nv package


straxen.plugins.hitlets_nv.hitlets_nv module

class straxen.plugins.hitlets_nv.hitlets_nv.nVETOHitlets[source]

Bases: Plugin

Plugin which computes the nveto hitlets and their parameters.

Hitlets are an extension of regular hits. They include the left and right extension. The plugin does the following:

  1. Generate hitlets which includes these sub-steps:
    • Apply left and right hit extension and concatenate

    overlapping hits. * Generate temp. hitelts and look for their waveforms in their corresponding records. * Split hitlets if they satisfy the set criteria.

  2. Compute the properties of the hitlets.


Hitlets are getting chopped if extended in not recorded regions.


Dispatch on URL protocol.

unrecognized protocol returns identity inspired by dasks Dispatch and fsspec fs protocols.

compressor = 'zstd'
compute(records_nv, start, end)[source]
config: Dict
data_kind: str | immutabledict | dict = 'hitlets_nv'
depends_on: tuple = 'records_nv'
deps: Dict
dtype: tuple | dtype | immutabledict | dict = [(('Start time since unix epoch [ns]', 'time'), <class 'numpy.int64'>), (('Length of the interval in samples', 'length'), <class 'numpy.int32'>), (('Width of one sample [ns]', 'dt'), <class 'numpy.int16'>), (('Channel/PMT number', 'channel'), <class 'numpy.int16'>), (('Total hit area in pe', 'area'), <class 'numpy.float32'>), (('Maximum of the PMT pulse in pe/sample', 'amplitude'), <class 'numpy.float32'>), (('Position of the Amplitude in ns (minus "time")', 'time_amplitude'), <class 'numpy.int16'>), (('Hit entropy', 'entropy'), <class 'numpy.float32'>), (('Width (in ns) of the central 50% area of the hitlet', 'range_50p_area'), <class 'numpy.float32'>), (('Width (in ns) of the central 80% area of the hitlet', 'range_80p_area'), <class 'numpy.float32'>), (('Position of the 25% area decile [ns]', 'left_area'), <class 'numpy.float32'>), (('Position of the 10% area decile [ns]', 'low_left_area'), <class 'numpy.float32'>), (('Width (in ns) of the highest density region covering a 50% area of the hitlet', 'range_hdr_50p_area'), <class 'numpy.float32'>), (('Width (in ns) of the highest density region covering a 80% area of the hitlet', 'range_hdr_80p_area'), <class 'numpy.float32'>), (('Left edge of the 50% highest density region  [ns]', 'left_hdr'), <class 'numpy.float32'>), (('Left edge of the 80% highest density region  [ns]', 'low_left_hdr'), <class 'numpy.float32'>), (('FWHM of the PMT pulse [ns]', 'fwhm'), <class 'numpy.float32'>), (('Left edge of the FWHM [ns] (minus "time")', 'left'), <class 'numpy.float32'>), (('FWTM of the PMT pulse [ns]', 'fwtm'), <class 'numpy.float32'>), (('Left edge of the FWTM [ns] (minus "time")', 'low_left'), <class 'numpy.float32'>)]

Dispatch on URL protocol.

unrecognized protocol returns identity inspired by dasks Dispatch and fsspec fs protocols.


Dispatch on URL protocol.

unrecognized protocol returns identity inspired by dasks Dispatch and fsspec fs protocols.


Dispatch on URL protocol.

unrecognized protocol returns identity inspired by dasks Dispatch and fsspec fs protocols.


Dispatch on URL protocol.

unrecognized protocol returns identity inspired by dasks Dispatch and fsspec fs protocols.

input_buffer: Dict[str, Chunk]

Dispatch on URL protocol.

unrecognized protocol returns identity inspired by dasks Dispatch and fsspec fs protocols.


Dispatch on URL protocol.

unrecognized protocol returns identity inspired by dasks Dispatch and fsspec fs protocols.

parallel: str | bool = 'process'
provides: tuple = ('hitlets_nv',)
rechunk_on_save = True
run_i: int
run_id: str

Dispatch on URL protocol.

unrecognized protocol returns identity inspired by dasks Dispatch and fsspec fs protocols.


Hook if plugin wants to do something on initialization.

takes_config = immutabledict({'save_outside_hits_nv': <straxen.url_config.URLConfig object>, 'hit_min_amplitude_nv': <straxen.url_config.URLConfig object>, 'min_split_nv': <straxen.url_config.URLConfig object>, 'min_split_ratio_nv': <straxen.url_config.URLConfig object>, 'entropy_template_nv': <straxen.url_config.URLConfig object>, 'entropy_square_data_nv': <straxen.url_config.URLConfig object>, 'channel_map': <straxen.url_config.URLConfig object>, 'gain_model_nv': <straxen.url_config.URLConfig object>})

Module contents