Source code for straxen.test_utils

import io
import os
from warnings import warn
from os import environ as os_environ
from typing import Tuple
import tarfile
from immutabledict import immutabledict
from importlib import import_module

import numpy as np
import strax
import straxen

export, __all__ = strax.exporter()

nt_test_run_id = "012882"

[docs]@export def download_test_data( test_data="", # noqa ): """Downloads strax test data to strax_test_data in the current directory.""" blob = straxen.common.get_resource(test_data, fmt="binary") f = io.BytesIO(blob) tf = tf.extractall()
@export def _overwrite_testing_function_file(function_file): """For testing purposes allow this function file to be loaded from HOME/testing_folder.""" if not _is_on_pytest(): # If we are not on a pytest, never try using a local file. return function_file home = os.environ.get("HOME") if home is None: # Impossible to load from non-existent folder return function_file testing_file = os.path.join(home, function_file) if os.path.exists(testing_file): # For testing purposes allow loading from 'home/testing_folder' warn( f"Using local function: {function_file} from {testing_file}! " "If you are not integrated testing on github you should " "absolutely remove this file. (See #559)" ) function_file = testing_file return function_file def is_installed(module): try: import_module(module) return True except ModuleNotFoundError: return False @export def _is_on_pytest(): """Check if we are on a pytest.""" return "PYTEST_CURRENT_TEST" in os_environ def _get_fake_daq_reader(): class DAQReader(straxen.DAQReader): """Dummy version of the DAQ reader to make sure that all the testing data produced here will have a different lineage.""" __version__ = "MOCKTESTDATA" return DAQReader def nt_test_context( target_context="xenonnt_online", deregister=(), keep_default_storage=False, **kwargs ) -> strax.Context: """Get a dummy context with full nt-like data simulated data (except aqmon) to allow testing plugins. :param target_context: Which contexts from straxen.contexts to test :param deregister: a list of plugins from the context :param keep_default_storage: if to True, keep the default context storage. Usually, you don't need this since all the data will be stored in a separate test data folder. :param kwargs: Any kwargs are passed to the target-context :return: a context """ if not straxen.utilix_is_configured(warning_message=False): kwargs.setdefault("_database_init", False) st = getattr(straxen.contexts, target_context)(**kwargs) st.set_config( {"diagnose_sorting": True, "diagnose_overlapping": True, "store_per_channel": True} ) st.register(_get_fake_daq_reader()) download_test_data( "" "strax_auxiliary_files/" "f0d177401e11408b273564f0e29df77528e83d26/" "strax_files/" "012882-raw_records-z7q2d2ye2t.tar" ) if keep_default_storage: += [strax.DataDirectory("./strax_test_data")] else: = [strax.DataDirectory("./strax_test_data")] assert st.is_stored(nt_test_run_id, "raw_records"), os.listdir([-1].path) to_remove = list(deregister) for plugin in to_remove: del st._plugin_class_registry[plugin] return st def create_unique_intervals(size, time_range=(0, 40), allow_zero_length=True): """Hypothesis stragtegy which creates unqiue time intervals. :param size: Number of intervals desired. Can be less if non-unique intervals are found. :param time_range: Time range in which intervals should be. :param allow_zero_length: If true allow zero length intervals. """ from hypothesis import strategies strat = strategies.lists( elements=strategies.integers(*time_range), min_size=size * 2, max_size=size * 2 ).map(lambda x: _convert_to_interval(x, allow_zero_length)) return strat def _convert_to_interval(time_stamps, allow_zero_length): time_stamps = np.sort(time_stamps) intervals = np.zeros(len(time_stamps) // 2, strax.time_dt_fields) intervals["dt"] = 1 intervals["time"] = time_stamps[::2] intervals["length"] = time_stamps[1::2] - time_stamps[::2] if not allow_zero_length: intervals = intervals[intervals["length"] > 0] return np.unique(intervals) @strax.takes_config( strax.Option("secret_time_offset", default=0, track=False), strax.Option("recs_per_chunk", default=10, track=False), strax.Option( "n_chunks", default=2, track=False, help="Number of chunks for the dummy raw records we are writing here", ), strax.Option( "channel_map", track=False, type=immutabledict, help="frozendict mapping subdetector to (min, max) channel number.", ), ) class DummyRawRecords(strax.Plugin): """Provide dummy raw records for the mayor raw_record types.""" provides = straxen.daqreader.DAQReader.provides parallel = "process" depends_on: Tuple = tuple() data_kind = immutabledict(zip(provides, provides)) rechunk_on_save = False dtype = {p: strax.raw_record_dtype() for p in provides} def setup(self): self.channel_map_keys = { "he": "he", "nv": "nveto", "aqmon": "aqmon", "aux_mv": "aux_mv", "s_mv": "mv", } # s_mv otherwise same as aux in endswith def source_finished(self): return True def is_ready(self, chunk_i): return chunk_i < self.config["n_chunks"] def compute(self, chunk_i): t0 = chunk_i + self.config["secret_time_offset"] if chunk_i < self.config["n_chunks"] - 1: # One filled chunk r = np.zeros(self.config["recs_per_chunk"], self.dtype["raw_records"]) r["time"] = t0 r["length"] = r["dt"] = 1 r["channel"] = np.arange(len(r)) else: # One empty chunk r = np.zeros(0, self.dtype["raw_records"]) res = {} for p in self.provides: rr = np.copy(r) # Add detector specific channel offset: for key, channel_key in self.channel_map_keys.items(): if channel_key not in self.config["channel_map"]: # Channel map for 1T is different. continue if p.endswith(key): first_channel, last_channel = self.config["channel_map"][channel_key] rr["channel"] += first_channel if key == "aqmon": # explicitly clip these channels # as we have an additional check higher in the chain first_channel = int(min(straxen.AqmonChannels)) last_channel = int(max(straxen.AqmonChannels)) rr = rr[(rr["channel"] >= first_channel) & (rr["channel"] < last_channel)] res[p] = self.chunk(start=t0, end=t0 + 1, data=rr, data_type=p) return res