Source code for

import os
import re
import typing
import socket
from typing import Dict, Union, Iterator
from copy import deepcopy
import strax
from .rucio_remote import key_to_rucio_did
from .rucio_local import RucioLocalBackend

import warnings

    import utilix
except (RuntimeError, FileNotFoundError):
    # We might be on a travis job
from straxen import uconfig

export, __all__ = strax.exporter()

[docs]@export class RunDB(strax.StorageFrontend): """Frontend that searches RunDB MongoDB for data.""" storage_type = strax.StorageType.LOCAL # Dict of alias used in rundb: regex on hostname hosts = {"dali": r"^dali.*rcc.*|^midway2.*rcc.*|^midway.*rcc.*|"} provide_run_metadata = True progress_bar = False def __init__( self, minimum_run_number=7157, maximum_run_number=None, runid_field="name", local_only=False, new_data_path=None, reader_ini_name_is_mode=False, rucio_path=None, mongo_url=None, mongo_user=None, mongo_password=None, mongo_database=None, *args, **kwargs, ): """ :param minimum_run_number: Lowest number to consider :param maximum_run_number: Highest number to consider. When None (the default) consider all runs that are higher than the minimum_run_number. :param runid_field: Rundb field to which strax's run_id concept corresponds. Can be either - 'name': values must be strings, for XENON1T - 'number': values must be ints, for XENONnT DAQ tests :param local_only: Do not show data as available if it would have to be downloaded from a remote location. :param new_data_path: Path where new files are to be written. Defaults to None: do not write new data New files will be registered in the runs db! :param reader_ini_name_is_mode: If True, will overwrite the 'mode' field with ''. :param rucio_path: What is the base path where Rucio is mounted :param mongo_url: URL to Mongo runs database (excl auth) :param mongo_user: user to Mongo runs database :param mongo_password: password to Mongo runs database :param mongo_database: database name of Mongo runs database Other (kw)args are passed to StorageFrontend.__init__ """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.local_only = local_only self.new_data_path = new_data_path self.reader_ini_name_is_mode = reader_ini_name_is_mode self.minimum_run_number = minimum_run_number self.maximum_run_number = maximum_run_number self.rucio_path = rucio_path if self.new_data_path is None: self.readonly = True self.runid_field = runid_field if self.runid_field not in ["name", "number"]: raise ValueError("Unrecognized runid_field option %s" % self.runid_field) self.hostname = socket.getfqdn() if not self.readonly and self.hostname.endswith("xenon.local"): # We want admin access to start writing data! mongo_url = uconfig.get("rundb_admin", "mongo_rdb_url") mongo_user = uconfig.get("rundb_admin", "mongo_rdb_username") mongo_password = uconfig.get("rundb_admin", "mongo_rdb_password") mongo_database = uconfig.get("rundb_admin", "mongo_rdb_database") # setup mongo kwargs... # utilix.rundb.pymongo_collection will take the following variables as kwargs # url: mongo url, including auth # user: the user # password: the password for the above user # database: the mongo database name # finally, it takes the collection name as an arg (not a kwarg). # if no collection arg is passed, it defaults to the runsDB collection # See for more details mongo_kwargs = { "url": mongo_url, "user": mongo_user, "password": mongo_password, "database": mongo_database, } self.collection = utilix.rundb.xent_collection(**mongo_kwargs) # Do not delete the client! self.client = self.collection.database.client self.backends = [ strax.FileSytemBackend(), ] # Construct mongo query for runs with available data. # This depends on the machine you're running on. self.available_query = [{"host": self.hostname}] # Go through known host aliases for host_alias, regex in self.hosts.items(): if re.match(regex, self.hostname): self.available_query.append({"host": host_alias}) # When querying for rucio, add that it should be dali-userdisk (when on dali) if self.rucio_path is not None and any( re.match(regex, self.hostname) for regex in self.hosts.values() ): self.backends.append(RucioLocalBackend(self.rucio_path)) self.available_query.append( { "host": "rucio-catalogue", "location": "UC_DALI_USERDISK", "status": "transferred", } ) def _data_query(self, key): """Return MongoDB query for data field matching key.""" return { "data": { "$elemMatch": { "type": key.data_type, "$and": [ { "$or": [ {"meta.lineage": key.lineage}, { "did": {"$regex": f"/*{key.data_type}-{key.lineage_hash}"}, }, ] }, {"$or": self.available_query}, ], } } } def _find(self, key: strax.DataKey, write, allow_incomplete, fuzzy_for, fuzzy_for_options): if key.run_id.startswith("_"): # Superruns are currently not supprorted.. raise strax.DataNotAvailable if fuzzy_for or fuzzy_for_options: warnings.warn("Can't do fuzzy with RunDB yet. Only returning exact matches") # Check if the run exists run_query: Dict[str, Union[str, int]] if self.runid_field == "name": run_query = {"name": str(key.run_id)} else: run_query = {"number": int(key.run_id)} # Check that we are in rucio backend if self.rucio_path is not None: rucio_key = key_to_rucio_did(key) rucio_available_query = self.available_query[-1] dq = { "data": { "$elemMatch": { "type": key.data_type, "did": rucio_key, **rucio_available_query, }, } } doc = self.collection.find_one( { **run_query, **dq, }, projection=dq, ) if doc is not None: datum = doc["data"][0] error_message = f'Expected {rucio_key} got data on {datum["location"]}' if datum.get("did", "") != rucio_key: raise RuntimeError(error_message) backend_name = "RucioLocalBackend" backend_key = key_to_rucio_did(key) return backend_name, backend_key dq = self._data_query(key) doc = self.collection.find_one({**run_query, **dq}, projection=dq) if doc is None: # Data was not found if not write: raise strax.DataNotAvailable output_path = os.path.join(self.new_data_path, str(key)) if self.new_data_path is not None: doc = self.collection.find_one(run_query, projection={"_id"}) if not doc: raise ValueError( f"Attempt to register new data for non-existing run {key.run_id}" ) self.collection.find_one_and_update( {"_id": doc["_id"]}, { "$push": { "data": { "location": output_path, "host": self.hostname, "type": key.data_type, "protocol": strax.FileSytemBackend.__name__, "meta": {"lineage": key.lineage}, } } }, ) return (strax.FileSytemBackend.__name__, output_path) datum = doc["data"][0] if datum["host"] == "rucio-catalogue": raise strax.DataNotAvailable if write and not self._can_overwrite(key): raise strax.DataExistsError(at=datum["location"]) return datum["protocol"], datum["location"]
[docs] def find_several(self, keys: typing.List[strax.DataKey], **kwargs): if kwargs.get("fuzzy_for", False) or kwargs.get("fuzzy_for_options", False): warnings.warn("Can't do fuzzy with RunDB yet. Only returning exact matches") if not keys: return [] if not len(set([k.lineage_hash for k in keys])) == 1: raise ValueError("find_several keys must have same lineage") if not len(set([k.data_type for k in keys])) == 1: raise ValueError("find_several keys must have same data type") keys = list(keys) # Context used to pass a set if self.runid_field == "name": run_query = {"name": {"$in": [key.run_id for key in keys]}} else: run_query = { f"{self.runid_field}": { "$in": [int(key.run_id) for key in keys if not key.run_id.startswith("_")] } } dq = self._data_query(keys[0]) # dict.copy is sometimes not sufficient for nested dictionary projection = deepcopy(dq) projection.update({k: True for k in f"name number".split()}) results_dict = self._parse_documents( self.collection.find({**run_query, **dq}, projection=projection), ) return [results_dict.get(k.run_id, False) for k in keys]
def _parse_documents(self, documents: Iterator): results_dict = dict() for doc in documents: # If you get a key error here there might be something off with the # projection datum = doc["data"][0] if self.runid_field == "name": dk = doc["name"] else: dk = f'{doc["number"]:06}' for required_field in ("protocol", "location"): if required_field not in datum: raise ValueError(f"Missing field {required_field} in {datum} from {doc}") results_dict[dk] = datum["protocol"], datum["location"] return results_dict def _scan_runs(self, store_fields): query = self.number_query() projection = strax.to_str_tuple(list(store_fields)) # Replace fields by their subfields if requested only take the most # "specific" projection projection = [ f1 for f1 in projection if not any([f2.startswith(f1 + ".") for f2 in projection]) ] cursor = self.collection.find(filter=query, projection=projection) for doc in strax.utils.tqdm( cursor, desc="Fetching run info from MongoDB", total=self.collection.count_documents(query), disable=not self.progress_bar, ): del doc["_id"] if self.reader_ini_name_is_mode: doc["mode"] = doc.get("reader", {}).get("ini", {}).get("name", "") yield doc
[docs] def run_metadata(self, run_id, projection=None): if run_id.startswith("_"): # Superruns are currently not supported.. raise strax.DataNotAvailable if self.runid_field == "name": run_id = str(run_id) else: run_id = int(run_id) if isinstance(projection, str): projection = {projection: 1} elif isinstance(projection, (list, tuple)): projection = {x: 1 for x in projection} doc = self.collection.find_one({self.runid_field: run_id}, projection=projection) if doc is None: raise strax.DataNotAvailable if self.reader_ini_name_is_mode: doc["mode"] = doc.get("reader", {}).get("ini", {}).get("name", "") return doc
[docs] def number_query(self): q_number = {} if self.minimum_run_number: q_number = {"$gt": self.minimum_run_number} if self.maximum_run_number is not None: q_number.update({"$lt": self.maximum_run_number}) if q_number: return {"number": q_number} return {}