Source code for straxen.plugins.merged_s2s.merged_s2s

from typing import Tuple

import strax
import straxen
from straxen.plugins.peaklets.peaklets import drop_data_top_field

import numpy as np
import numba

export, __all__ = strax.exporter()

[docs]@export class MergedS2s(strax.OverlapWindowPlugin): """Merge together peaklets if peak finding favours that they would form a single peak instead.""" __version__ = "1.0.2" depends_on: Tuple[str, ...] = ("peaklets", "peaklet_classification", "lone_hits") data_kind = "merged_s2s" provides = "merged_s2s" s2_merge_max_duration = straxen.URLConfig( default=50_000, infer_type=False, help="Do not merge peaklets at all if the result would be a peak longer than this [ns]", ) s2_merge_gap_thresholds = straxen.URLConfig( default=((1.7, 2.65e4), (4.0, 2.6e3), (5.0, 0.0)), infer_type=False, help=( "Points to define maximum separation between peaklets to allow " "merging [ns] depending on log10 area of the merged peak\n" "where the gap size of the first point is the maximum gap to allow merging" "and the area of the last point is the maximum area to allow merging. " "The format is ((log10(area), max_gap), (..., ...), (..., ...))" ), ) gain_model = straxen.URLConfig( infer_type=False, help="PMT gain model. Specify as (str(model_config), str(version), nT-->boolean", ) merge_without_s1 = straxen.URLConfig( default=True, infer_type=False, help=( "If true, S1s will be igored during the merging. " "It's now possible for a S1 to be inside a S2 post merging" ), ) n_top_pmts = straxen.URLConfig(type=int, help="Number of top TPC array PMTs") n_tpc_pmts = straxen.URLConfig(type=int, help="Number of TPC PMTs") sum_waveform_top_array = straxen.URLConfig( default=True, type=bool, help="Digitize the sum waveform of the top array separately" ) merged_s2s_get_window_size_factor = straxen.URLConfig( default=5, type=int, track=False, help="Factor of the window size for the merged_s2s plugin" )
[docs] def setup(self): self.to_pe = self.gain_model
[docs] def infer_dtype(self): peaklet_classification_dtype = self.deps["peaklet_classification"].dtype_for( "peaklet_classification" ) peaklets_dtype = self.deps["peaklets"].dtype_for("peaklets") # The merged dtype is argument position dependent! # It must be first classification then peaklet # Otherwise strax will raise an error # when checking for the returned dtype! merged_s2s_dtype = strax.merged_dtype((peaklet_classification_dtype, peaklets_dtype)) return merged_s2s_dtype
[docs] def get_window_size(self): return self.merged_s2s_get_window_size_factor * ( int(self.s2_merge_gap_thresholds[0][1]) + self.s2_merge_max_duration )
[docs] def compute(self, peaklets, lone_hits): if self.merge_without_s1: peaklets = peaklets[peaklets["type"] != 1] if len(peaklets) <= 1: return np.zeros(0, dtype=self.dtype) gap_thresholds = self.s2_merge_gap_thresholds max_gap = gap_thresholds[0][1] max_area = 10 ** gap_thresholds[-1][0] if max_gap < 0: # Do not merge at all return np.zeros(0, dtype=self.dtype) if "data_top" not in peaklets.dtype.names: peaklets_w_field = np.zeros( len(peaklets), dtype=strax.peak_dtype(n_channels=self.n_tpc_pmts, digitize_top=True) ) strax.copy_to_buffer(peaklets, peaklets_w_field, "_add_data_top_field") del peaklets peaklets = peaklets_w_field # Max gap and area should be set by the gap thresholds # to avoid contradictions start_merge_at, end_merge_at = self.get_merge_instructions( peaklets["time"], strax.endtime(peaklets), areas=peaklets["area"], types=peaklets["type"], gap_thresholds=gap_thresholds, max_duration=self.s2_merge_max_duration, max_gap=max_gap, max_area=max_area, ) assert "data_top" in peaklets.dtype.names merged_s2s = strax.merge_peaks( peaklets, start_merge_at, end_merge_at, max_buffer=int(self.s2_merge_max_duration // np.gcd.reduce(peaklets["dt"])), ) merged_s2s["type"] = 2 # Updated time and length of lone_hits and sort again: lh = np.copy(lone_hits) del lone_hits lh_time_shift = (lh["left"] - lh["left_integration"]) * lh["dt"] lh["time"] = lh["time"] - lh_time_shift lh["length"] = lh["right_integration"] - lh["left_integration"] lh = strax.sort_by_time(lh) # If sum_waveform_top_array is false, don't digitize the top array n_top_pmts_if_digitize_top = self.n_top_pmts if "data_top" in self.dtype.names else -1 strax.add_lone_hits(merged_s2s, lh, self.to_pe, n_top_channels=n_top_pmts_if_digitize_top) strax.compute_widths(merged_s2s) if n_top_pmts_if_digitize_top <= 0: merged_s2s = drop_data_top_field(merged_s2s, self.dtype, "_drop_top_merged_s2s") return merged_s2s
[docs] @staticmethod @numba.njit(cache=True, nogil=True) def get_merge_instructions( peaklet_starts, peaklet_ends, areas, types, gap_thresholds, max_duration, max_gap, max_area, sort_kind="mergesort", ): """ Finding the group of peaklets to merge. To do this start with the smallest gaps and keep merging until the new, merged S2 has such a large area or gap to adjacent peaks that merging is not required anymore. see and :return: list of the first index of peaklet to be merged and list of the exclusive last index of peaklet to be merged """ peaklet_gaps = peaklet_starts[1:] - peaklet_ends[:-1] peaklet_start_index = np.arange(len(peaklet_starts)) peaklet_end_index = np.arange(len(peaklet_starts)) for gap_i in np.argsort(peaklet_gaps, kind=sort_kind): start_idx = peaklet_start_index[gap_i] inclusive_end_idx = peaklet_end_index[gap_i + 1] sum_area = np.sum(areas[start_idx : inclusive_end_idx + 1]) this_gap = peaklet_gaps[gap_i] if inclusive_end_idx < start_idx: raise ValueError("Something went wrong, left is bigger then right?!") if this_gap > max_gap: break if sum_area > max_area: # For very large S2s, we assume that natural breaks is taking care continue if (sum_area > 0) and ( this_gap > merge_s2_threshold(np.log10(sum_area), gap_thresholds) ): # The merged peak would be too large continue peak_duration = peaklet_ends[inclusive_end_idx] - peaklet_starts[start_idx] if peak_duration >= max_duration: continue # Merge gap in other words this means p @ gap_i and p @gap_i + 1 share the same # start, end and area: peaklet_start_index[start_idx : inclusive_end_idx + 1] = peaklet_start_index[start_idx] peaklet_end_index[start_idx : inclusive_end_idx + 1] = peaklet_end_index[ inclusive_end_idx ] start_merge_at = np.unique(peaklet_start_index) end_merge_at = np.unique(peaklet_end_index) if not len(start_merge_at) == len(end_merge_at): raise ValueError("inconsistent start and end merge instructions") merge_start, merge_stop_exclusive = _filter_s1_starts(start_merge_at, types, end_merge_at) return merge_start, merge_stop_exclusive
@numba.njit(cache=True, nogil=True) def _filter_s1_starts(start_merge_at, types, end_merge_at): for start_merge_idx, _ in enumerate(start_merge_at): while types[start_merge_at[start_merge_idx]] != 2: if end_merge_at[start_merge_idx] - start_merge_at[start_merge_idx] <= 1: break start_merge_at[start_merge_idx] += 1 start_merge_with_s2 = types[start_merge_at] == 2 merges_at_least_two_peaks = end_merge_at - start_merge_at >= 1 keep_merges = start_merge_with_s2 & merges_at_least_two_peaks return start_merge_at[keep_merges], end_merge_at[keep_merges] + 1 @numba.njit(cache=True, nogil=True) def merge_s2_threshold(log_area, gap_thresholds): """Return gap threshold for log_area of the merged S2 with linear interpolation given the points in gap_thresholds. :param log_area: Log 10 area of the merged S2 :param gap_thresholds: tuple (n, 2) of fix points for interpolation. """ for i, (a1, g1) in enumerate(gap_thresholds): if log_area < a1: if i == 0: return g1 a0, g0 = gap_thresholds[i - 1] return (log_area - a0) * (g1 - g0) / (a1 - a0) + g0 return gap_thresholds[-1][1]