Source code for straxen.legacy.plugins_1t.peak_positions

import strax
import straxen
from straxen import pax_file, first_sr1_run
from straxen.common import get_resource
import tempfile
import numpy as np
import json
import os

export, __all__ = strax.exporter()

[docs]@export @strax.takes_config( strax.Option( "nn_architecture", infer_type=False, help="Path to JSON of neural net architecture", default_by_run=[ (0, pax_file("XENON1T_tensorflow_nn_pos_20171217_sr0.json")), ( first_sr1_run, straxen.aux_repo + "3548132b55f81a43654dba5141366041e1daaf01/strax_files/" "XENON1T_tensorflow_nn_pos_20171217_sr1_reformatted.json", ), ], ), # noqa strax.Option( "nn_weights", infer_type=False, help="Path to HDF5 of neural net weights", default_by_run=[ (0, pax_file("XENON1T_tensorflow_nn_pos_weights_20171217_sr0.h5")), (first_sr1_run, pax_file("XENON1T_tensorflow_nn_pos_weights_20171217_sr1.h5")), ], ), # noqa strax.Option( "min_reconstruction_area", help="Skip reconstruction if area (PE) is less than this", default=10, infer_type=False, ), strax.Option( "n_top_pmts", default=straxen.n_top_pmts, infer_type=False, help="Number of top PMTs" ), ) class PeakPositions1T(strax.Plugin): """Compute the S2 (x,y)-position based on a neural net.""" dtype = [ ("x", np.float32, "Reconstructed S2 X position (cm), uncorrected"), ("y", np.float32, "Reconstructed S2 Y position (cm), uncorrected"), ] + strax.time_fields depends_on = "peaks" provides = "peak_positions" # Parallelization doesn't seem to make it go faster # Is there much pure-python stuff in tensorflow? # Process-level paralellization might work, but you'd have to do setup # in each process, which probably negates the benefits, # except for huge chunks parallel = False __version__ = "0.1.1"
[docs] def setup(self): import tensorflow as tf keras = tf.keras nn_conf = get_resource(self.config["nn_architecture"], fmt="json") # badPMTList was inserted by a very clever person into the keras json # file. Let's delete it to prevent future keras versions from crashing. # Do NOT try `del nn_conf['badPMTList']`! See get_resource docstring # for the gruesome details. bad_pmts = nn_conf["badPMTList"] nn = keras.models.model_from_json( json.dumps({k: v for k, v in nn_conf.items() if k != "badPMTList"}) ) self.pmt_mask = ~np.in1d(np.arange(self.config["n_top_pmts"]), bad_pmts) # Keras needs a file to load its weights. We can't put the load # inside the context, then it would break on Windows, # because there temporary files cannot be opened again. with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f: f.write(get_resource(self.config["nn_weights"], fmt="binary")) fname = nn.load_weights(fname) os.remove(fname) self.nn = nn
[docs] def compute(self, peaks): result = np.ones(len(peaks), dtype=self.dtype) result["time"], result["endtime"] = peaks["time"], strax.endtime(peaks) result["x"] *= float("nan") result["y"] *= float("nan") # Keep large peaks only peak_mask = peaks["area"] > self.config["min_reconstruction_area"] if not np.sum(peak_mask): # Nothing to do, and .predict crashes on empty arrays return result # Input: normalized hitpatterns in good top PMTs _in = peaks["area_per_channel"][peak_mask, :] _in = _in[:, : self.config["n_top_pmts"]][:, self.pmt_mask] with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): _in /= _in.sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1) # Output: positions in mm (unfortunately), so convert to cm _out = self.nn.predict(_in) / 10 # Set output in valid rows. Do NOT try result[peak_mask]['x'] # unless you want all NaN positions (boolean masks make a copy unless # they are used as the last index) result["x"][peak_mask] = _out[:, 0] result["y"][peak_mask] = _out[:, 1] return result