Source code for straxen.entry_points

# Entrypoint loading logic
# Can be used to register context methods, mini-analyses,
# URLConfig protocols etc by other packeges when straxen is
# imported.
# The nice optimization of the different import attempts
# was copied from the hypothesis package

    # We prefer to use importlib.metadata, or the backport on Python <= 3.7,
    # because it's much faster than pkg_resources (200ms import time speedup).
        from importlib import metadata as importlib_metadata
    except ImportError:
        import importlib_metadata  # type: ignore  # mypy thinks this is a redefinition

    def get_entry_points():
            eps = importlib_metadata.entry_points(group="straxen")
        except TypeError:
            # Load-time selection requires Python >= 3.10 or importlib_metadata >= 3.6,
            # so we'll retain this fallback logic for some time to come.  See also
            eps = importlib_metadata.entry_points().get("straxen", [])
        yield from eps

except ImportError:
    # But if we're not on Python >= 3.8 and the importlib_metadata backport
    # is not installed, we fall back to pkg_resources anyway.
        import pkg_resources
    except ImportError:
        import warnings

            "Under Python <= 3.7, straxen requires either the importlib_metadata "
            "or setuptools package in order to load plugins via entrypoints.",

        def get_entry_points():
            yield from ()


[docs] def get_entry_points(): yield from pkg_resources.iter_entry_points("straxen")
[docs]def load_entry_points(): for entry in get_entry_points(): # pragma: no cover hook = entry.load() if callable(hook): hook()