Source code for straxen.daq_core

"""Core functions of the DAQ, mostly used in straxen/bin."""

import pymongo
import utilix
from utilix import uconfig
import straxen
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import pytz

ceph_folder = "/live_data/xenonnt/"
output_folder = "/data/xenonnt_processed/"
pre_folder = "/data/pre_processed/"
non_registered_folder = "/data/xenonnt_unregistered/"

[docs]class DataBases: def __init__(self, production=False): self.production = production # DAQ database daq_db_name = "daq" daq_uri = straxen.get_mongo_uri( header="rundb_admin", user_key="mongo_daq_username", pwd_key="mongo_daq_password", url_key="mongo_daq_url", ) daq_client = pymongo.MongoClient(daq_uri) self.daq_db = daq_client[daq_db_name] self.bs_coll = self.daq_db["eb_monitor"] self.ag_stat_coll = self.daq_db["aggregate_status"] self.log_coll = self.daq_db["log"] # Runs database run_dbname = straxen.uconfig.get("rundb_admin", "mongo_rdb_database") run_collname = "runs" if production: self.run_db = self.get_admin_client()[run_dbname] else: # Please note, this is a read only account on the rundb run_uri = straxen.get_mongo_uri() run_client = pymongo.MongoClient(run_uri) self.run_db = run_client[run_dbname] self.run_coll = self.run_db[run_collname]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_admin_client(): # We want admin access to start writing data! mongo_url = uconfig.get("rundb_admin", "mongo_rdb_url") mongo_user = uconfig.get("rundb_admin", "mongo_rdb_username") mongo_password = uconfig.get("rundb_admin", "mongo_rdb_password") mongo_database = uconfig.get("rundb_admin", "mongo_rdb_database") collection = utilix.rundb.xent_collection( url=mongo_url, user=mongo_user, password=mongo_password, database=mongo_database ) # Do not delete the client! return collection.database.client
[docs] def log_warning( self, message, priority="warning", run_id=None, production=True, user="daq_process", ): """Report a warning to the terminal (using the logging module) and the DAQ log DB. :param message: insert string into log_coll :param priority: severity of warning. Can be: info: 1, warning: 2, <any other valid python logging level, e.g. error or fatal>: 3 :param run_id: optional run id. """ if not production: return # Log according to redax rules # warning_message = { "message": message, "user": user, "priority": dict( debug=0, info=1, warning=2, error=3, fatal=4, ).get(priority.lower(), 3), } if run_id is not None: warning_message.update({"runid": int(run_id)}) self.log_coll.insert_one(warning_message)
[docs]def now(plus=0): """Now in utc time.""" return + timedelta(seconds=plus)