Source code for straxen.analyses.daq_waveforms

import typing

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas
import pymongo
import straxen
import utilix

def daq_plot(
    context, figsize=(14, 15), lower_panel_height=6, group_by="link", vmin=None, vmax=None, **kwargs
    """Plot with peak, records and records sorted by "link" or "ADC ID" (other items are also
    possible as long as it is in the channel map)."""
    f, axes = plt.subplots(
        3, 1, figsize=figsize, gridspec_kw={"height_ratios": [1, 1, lower_panel_height]}

    # Panel 1, the peaks[0])
    context.plot_peaks(**kwargs, single_figure=False)
    xlim = plt.xlim()

    # Panel 2, the records where we keep the order of the records/channel number[1])
    plt.title("Records (by channel number)")
    context.plot_records_matrix(**kwargs, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, single_figure=False)

    # Use a grouping argument to group the channels by.[2])
    plt.title(f"Records (by {group_by})")
        **kwargs, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, group_by=group_by, single_figure=False

def _get_daq_config(
    run_id: str,
    config_name: str = "daq_config",
    run_collection: typing.Optional[pymongo.collection.Collection] = None,
) -> dict:
    """Query the runs database for the config of the daq during this run.

    Either use the context of the runs collection.

    if run_collection is None:
        if not straxen.utilix_is_configured():
            raise NotImplementedError("Only works with the runs-database")
        run_collection = utilix.rundb.xent_collection()
    daq_doc = run_collection.find_one({"number": int(run_id)}, projection={config_name: 1})
    if daq_doc is None or config_name not in daq_doc:
        raise ValueError(f"Requested {config_name} does not exist")
    return daq_doc[config_name]

def _board_to_host_link(daq_config: dict, board: int, add_crate=True) -> str:
    """Parse the daq-config to get the host, link and crate."""
    for bdoc in daq_config["boards"]:
            if int(bdoc["board"]) == board:
                res = f"{bdoc['host']}_link{bdoc['link']}"
                if add_crate:
                    res += f"_crate{bdoc['crate']}"
                return res
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid DAQ config {daq_config} or board {board}")
    # This happens if the board is not in the channel map which might
    # happen for very old runs.
    return "unknown"

def _get_cable_map(name: str = "xenonnt_cable_map.csv") -> pandas.DataFrame:
    """Download the cable map and return as a pandas dataframe."""
    down = straxen.MongoDownloader()
    cable_map = down.download_single(name)
    cable_map = pandas.read_csv(cable_map)
    return cable_map

def _group_channels_by_index(
    cable_map: pandas.DataFrame,
    group_by: str = "ADC ID",
) -> typing.Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    """Parse the cable map, return the labels where each of the channels is mapped to as well as an
    array that can be used to map each of the channels maps to the labels."""
    idx = np.arange(straxen.n_tpc_pmts)
    idx_seen = 0
    labels = []
    for selection in np.unique(cable_map[group_by].values):
        selected_channels = cable_map[cable_map[group_by] == selection]["PMT Location"]
        selected_channels = np.array(selected_channels)
        n_sel = len(selected_channels)

        idx[idx_seen : idx_seen + n_sel] = selected_channels
        labels += [selection] * n_sel
        idx_seen += n_sel
    return np.array(labels), idx

[docs]def group_by_daq(run_id, group_by: str): """From the channel map, get the mapping of channel number -> group by.""" cable_map = _get_cable_map() if group_by == "link": labels, idx = _group_channels_by_index(cable_map, group_by="ADC ID") daq_config = _get_daq_config(run_id) labels = [_board_to_host_link(daq_config, label) for label in labels] labels = np.array(labels) order = np.argsort(labels) return labels[order], idx[order] else: return _group_channels_by_index(cable_map, group_by=group_by)