Source code for straxen.numbafied_scipy

import numba
import ctypes
import strax
from scipy.special.cython_special import loggamma, betainc, gammaln

export, __all__ = strax.exporter()
# Numba versions of scipy functions:
# Based on but
# omitting the address step.
# Unfortunately this approach does not allow to cache the resulting numba functions.
# Any ideas in this regard would be welcome.
# All subsequent function will treat their inputs as 64bit floats:
double = ctypes.c_double

functype = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(double, double)
gammaln_float64 = functype(gammaln)

[docs]@export @numba.njit def numba_gammaln(x): return gammaln_float64(x)
functype = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(double, double, double, double) betainc_float64 = functype(betainc)
[docs]@export @numba.njit def numba_betainc(x1, x2, x3): return betainc_float64(x1, x2, x3)
functype = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(double, double) loggamma_float64 = functype(loggamma)
[docs]@export @numba.njit def numba_loggamma(x): return loggamma_float64(x)