Source code for straxen.matplotlib_utils

import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import strax
import straxen

export, __all__ = strax.exporter()

[docs]@export def plot_pmts( c, label="", figsize=None, xenon1t=False, show_tpc=True, extend="neither", vmin=None, vmax=None, **kwargs, ): """Plot the PMT arrays side-by-side, coloring the PMTS with c. :param c: Array of colors to use. Must have len() n_tpc_pmts :param label: Label for the color bar :param figsize: Figure size to use. :param extend: same as plt.colorbar(extend=...) :param vmin: Minimum of color scale :param vmax: maximum of color scale :param show_axis_labels: if True it will show x and y labels Other arguments are passed to plot_on_single_pmt_array. """ if vmin is None: vmin = np.nanmin(c) if vmax is None: vmax = np.nanmax(c) if vmin == vmax: # Single-valued array passed vmax += 1 if figsize is None: figsize = (11.25, 4.25) if xenon1t else (13.25, 5.75) f, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=figsize) plot_result = None for array_i, array_name in enumerate(["top", "bottom"]): ax = axes[array_i] plt.title(array_name.capitalize()) plot_result = plot_on_single_pmt_array( c, xenon1t=xenon1t, array_name=array_name, show_tpc=show_tpc, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **kwargs, ) axes[0].set_xlabel("x [cm]") axes[0].xaxis.set_label_coords(1.035, -0.075) axes[0].set_ylabel("y [cm]") axes[1].yaxis.tick_right() axes[1].yaxis.set_label_position("right") plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0) plt.colorbar(mappable=plot_result, ax=axes, extend=extend, label=label)
[docs]@export def plot_on_single_pmt_array( c, array_name="top", xenon1t=False, r=straxen.tpc_r * 1.03, pmt_label_size=8, pmt_label_color="white", show_tpc=True, log_scale=False, vmin=None, vmax=None, dead_pmts=None, dead_pmt_color="gray", **kwargs, ): """Plot one of the PMT arrays and color it by c. :param c: Array of colors to use. Must be len() of the number of TPC PMTs :param label: Label for the color bar :param pmt_label_size: Fontsize for the PMT number labels. Set to 0 to disable. :param pmt_label_color: Text color of the PMT number labels. :param log_scale: If True, use a logarithmic color scale :param extend: same as plt.colorbar(extend=...) :param vmin: Minimum of color scale :param vmax: maximum of color scale Other arguments are passed to plt.scatter. """ if vmin is None: vmin = c.min() if vmax is None: vmax = c.max() pmt_positions = straxen.pmt_positions(xenon1t=xenon1t).to_records() ax = plt.gca() ax.set_aspect("equal") plt.xlim(-r, r) plt.ylim(-r, r) mask = pmt_positions["array"] == array_name pos = pmt_positions[mask] kwargs.setdefault("s", 280) if log_scale: kwargs.setdefault("norm", matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)) else: kwargs.setdefault("vmin", vmin) kwargs.setdefault("vmax", vmax) result = plt.scatter(pos["x"], pos["y"], c=c[mask], **kwargs) if show_tpc: ax.set_facecolor("lightgrey") ax.add_artist( plt.Circle((0, 0), straxen.tpc_r, edgecolor="k", facecolor="w", zorder=-5, linewidth=1) ) else: ax.set_axis_off() if dead_pmts is not None: _dead_mask = [pi in dead_pmts for pi in pos["i"]] plt.scatter(pos[_dead_mask]["x"], pos[_dead_mask]["y"], c=dead_pmt_color, **kwargs) if pmt_label_size: for p in pos: plt.text( p["x"], p["y"], str(p["i"]), horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", fontsize=pmt_label_size, color=pmt_label_color, ) return result
[docs]@export def log_y(a=None, b=None, scalar_ticks=True, tick_at=None): """Make the y axis use a log scale from a to b.""" plt.yscale("log") if a is not None: if b is None: a, b = a[0], a[-1] ax = plt.gca() plt.ylim(a, b) if scalar_ticks: ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.FormatStrFormatter("%g")) ax.set_yticks(logticks(a, b, tick_at))
[docs]@export def log_x(a=None, b=None, scalar_ticks=True, tick_at=None): """Make the x axis use a log scale from a to b.""" plt.xscale("log") if a is not None: if b is None: a, b = a[0], a[-1] plt.xlim(a, b) ax = plt.gca() if scalar_ticks: ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.FormatStrFormatter("%g")) ax.set_xticks(logticks(a, b, tick_at))
def logticks(tmin, tmax=None, tick_at=None): if tick_at is None: tick_at = (1, 2, 5, 10) a, b = np.log10([tmin, tmax]) a = np.floor(a) b = np.ceil(b) ticks = np.sort(np.unique(np.outer(np.array(tick_at), 10.0 ** np.arange(a, b)).ravel())) ticks = ticks[(tmin <= ticks) & (ticks <= tmax)] return ticks
[docs]@export def draw_box(x, y, **kwargs): """Draw rectangle, given x-y boundary tuples.""" plt.gca().add_patch( matplotlib.patches.Rectangle( (x[0], y[0]), x[1] - x[0], y[1] - y[0], facecolor="none", **kwargs ) )
[docs]@export def plot_single_pulse(records, run_id, pulse_i=""): """Function which plots a single pulse. :param records: Records which belong to the pulse. :param run_id: Id of the run. :param pulse_i: Index of the pulse to be plotted. :return: fig, axes objects. """ pulse = _make_pulse(records) fig, axes = plt.subplots() sec, ns = _split_off_ns(records[0]["time"]) date = np.datetime_as_string(sec.astype("<M8[ns]"), unit="s") plt.title(f"Pulse {pulse_i} from {run_id}\nRecorded at {date[:10]}, {date[10:]} UTC {ns} ns") plt.step(np.arange(len(pulse)), pulse, where="post", label=f'Ch: {records[0]["channel"]}') plt.legend() plt.xlabel(f'Sample [{records[0]["dt"]} ns]') plt.ylabel("Height [ADC counts]") plt.grid() return fig, axes
def _make_pulse(records): """Helper to make a pulse based on fragements.""" pulse = np.zeros(records[0]["pulse_length"], dtype=np.float32) offset = 0 for r in records: pulse[offset : offset + r["length"]] = r["data"][: r["length"]] offset += r["length"] return pulse def _split_off_ns(time): """Mini helper to divide time into seconds and ns.""" sec = (time // 10**9) * 10**9 ns = time - sec return sec, ns